Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I should be at my 9th week now. My tummy is getting bigger and rounder each day, but my weight still remain at 50kg. My vomitting gets lesser now, but my gastric is terrible. I have been feeling hungry and stomach feels "sour" everyday, even though i have just eaten.

Last sat, my hubby collected his long awaited car. OMG i cant imagine all the excitement is all gone due to the long wait of 3 mths. However since COE has shot up and we benefitted from it.. no complains la..

This month is a tough month. It has always been since 2 years ago when i started driving.. These are the extra expenses incurred this month on top of my normal expenses: road tax, car insurance, car inspection, car servicing, sponsor mummy's air ticket to USA, wedding dinners, etc etc.. Ever since i got married, commitments keep coming in, but well i just need to ensure and suffer first and enjoy the fruits later... baby mummy and daddy are working hard towards giving u a good life... looking forward to your arrival... muacks..

My next gynae appt is 13/7/09. On the same day i will be taking blood test as well as ultrasound measurement of Nuchal Translucency (NT) which is done at 11-13 weeks.This test is to test for fetal anomalies / down's syndrome, which is 80% accurate and cost $113. OSCAR test on the other hand is 90% accurate and cost $298. A sample of mummy's blood is analysed for levels of free beta hCG and PAPP-A (Pregnancy Associated plasma Protein A). Me and hubby decided to take the NT test as Down's Syndrome is higher risk on woman above 30 or herditary.

I will update again.. bye

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Delivering good news..

this is a back track of the important dates that happened last month

26 May 09

Hubby accompanied me to Guardian to buy pregnany kit. We bought the 2nos in a pack as it was cheaper. We immediately tested when i reached home.. Well i was really nervous.. This month i missed my mensus since 8th May, felt tired easily, experience slight cramps... which are also all symptoms of mensus coming... Tested previously 2 weeks ago but it was negative. But... it turned out to be POSITIVE.. Me and hubby were stunned..we stared at each other blankly.. it was a bit unexpected because we have been trying for a baby since Feb this year but every month we got disappointing results.. Anyway i was really excited but have to contain my excitement until its time to break the news...

28 May 09

Me and hubby have decided to visit Dr Adelina Wong from TMC, recomended by my friend Angela. Although many have said that male gynaes are more gentle, but still i feel more comfortable with female gynae. This is our very 1st visit to the gynae to confirm my pregnany since we knew. Dr says im in my 5th week and baby is too small to detect the heartbeat. I have to come back 2 weeks later to reconfirm that pregnancy is stable.

11 June 09

Revisited my Gynae to check on my baby. Yippee.. Dr says that baby is doing fine and i am in my 7th week. Me and hubby saw the heartbeat popping... Baby is now 1+cm but can someone explain y i look like im in my 3rd/4th month??? hehe maybe its my fats... hubby says..